Wednesday, August 29, 2007

D****** Baboy

"This is my letter to the impotent vice-president of my former company (I will not post the name of the company until I get all my receivables) when a conflict arose between me and his favorite sales director."

Mr. Baldness,

I write in behalf of the Tycoons Division and our damsel-in-distress manager to put in plain words the case between Ms. Darla from the Cardinals Division and me. What happened to both of us is neither our fault. But I am baffled since I am new here, very fresh actually (less than three months) and I want to clarify some unfathomable doubts. (This will help me understand why we have to follow certain rules and then breaks it afterwards if we are not satisfied with the outcome.)

Mrs. M**** A***** A**** Kupal is, I think, my client with regards to the following criteria:

- She sent a message last November 2, 2006 asking me about the no downpayment, 0% interest payment scheme for a property readily transferable by next year. (From hereon, I assumed she doesn’t have a property consultant yet; please tell me if my interpretation is wrong.)

- She called me up after a minute to set an appointment. (I was very exultant then. I never expected that her mother, Mrs. Espiritu will refer me.)

- We met at the showroom. Then I offered the Garden Villas. (She doesn’t know McKinley Garden Villas. – This is an evidence that if she indeed has a property consultant [that is working- out with her], she should know about the latest projects and promos which unfortunately she doesn’t have any idea at all)

- She told me that she’s been to (my former company) before. But it was very long ago. So, I did what I have to do. I did the protocol. I asked her if she knows a property consultant here already. She replied with indecision “I can’t remember, that was very long ago.”

- I, being a newbie, asked some seniors around and our damsel-in-distress manager what I would have to do if the case is like this. They told me that it’s just two things: it’s either the property consultant resigned or the property consultant stopped working out on a certain client. They told me that Mrs. A**** Kupal is now my client. So I continue working out with this client. Every other day I send messages; I send a mail and update what (my former company) has to offer every now and then.

- Cocktails. November 28, 2006. Exactly 5:35p.m., Mrs. A**** Kupal called me. She apologized because she had confirmed to go to the cocktails to somebody she thought was ME. She told me that she doesn’t keep numbers in her phone and that she thought that it was me she confirmed with then suddenly she realized that it’s a different number. She asked me if it’s ok if she go to the cocktails and meet this person. I said yes. (Why would I say no to the client who asked me if she could go to the cocktails?) I decided to play it safe and not tell the client about the rules that was taught at the training and I thought that it will be more decent to settle this with the property consultant instead of explaining the vague “client-ownership-rules” in which I think would sound eerie to the client who doesn’t know anything about it, [please tell me again if what I did was wrong] (here is the situation- I was bedridden then because of anemia and I didn’t make it to the cocktails. I called Ms. Sagocio to explain the concerns to Ms. Darla.) Please ask Ms. Sagocio what exactly happened to their conversation.

I talked to Ms. Darla yesterday. She and I agreed that this is something beyond our wisdom and we have to consult this one to the higher people in (my former company). We decided to let our managers talk about this.

I talked to Mrs. W****** D****** Baboy in request by our damsel-in-distress manager. She told me that this should be settled between PC to PC (Property Consultant). And she told me that Ms. Darla and I should talk again. I told her that we agreed that we can’t decide since we have our own valid reasons and that we resorted to let our managers decide for us. She asked me what happened. I narrated my story. When I came to the part where Mrs. M**** A***** A**** Kupal called me up before the cocktails and told me about Ms. Darla inviting her, Mrs. W****** D****** Baboy told me with eureka that I should give back the client to its long ago property consultant from the time that I discover who it is.

(I did some researches and found out that there were cases like this before, like Mr. Joey de Leña’s case – Sir Joey de Lena is the property consultant of Mr. __________ and was tapped by a new PC from the Aces Division. They awarded the sales to the new PC at the Aces Division; this is one reason why I ask for some clarifications. Please do enlighten me why should we have different rules for different property consultants.)

Note: Mr. Joey de Leña is now currently under probation since he has a huge amount of deficit that’s needed to be produced until some time this year.

When I am about to explain Mr. Joey de Leña’s case and my predicaments, she requested to our damsel-in-distress manager that I’ll be sent out of the office. I retreated. Then they asked me to make a letter.

Here it is.

Please be informed that what I am doing is not only for my own benefit but for my colleagues as well as other property consultants. (For future reference; so that we know what we should do if a situation like this occurs again.) This may seem too much and some might oversee this as if I’m subversive. But I have values which I adhere. And one of these is equality no matter which division you are in.

I can’t help to be nihilistic about this one. Everybody is claiming that they are objective but it’s very obvious that they are bias to the divisions they belong. I do understand it. It’s bound to be like that (it’s human nature). It seems that all the people in the office have their own interpretations and notions. And we must hear from the higher authority which I believe will give just and understandable decisions.

As for me, I did my job. I followed the protocols. (I am very confident that) I never violated any of the rules.

From the moment I set foot on (my former company), I was taught that we should play according to the rules. I heard it from Mrs. Gorospe, from Mr. Baldness and last but not the least; I heard it from Mrs. D****** Baboy.

I’m just implementing what I learned.



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